Assalamualaikum and Hello bloggie!
Believe it or not, there is something that influences your personality even before you take your first breath. Birth order is one of the most important things that making you unique. While other factors, such as age, race, and gender, all play a role in shaping personality. From the research it indicates that the number one factor influencing personality is birth order. Birth order is defined as your rank in your sibling constellation which are first-born, middle-born, last-born, only child, or twin.
The characteristics of the oldest sibling shown the oldest sibling is the most independent and also the most responsible of the group. They are natural born leaders and can be control freaks. They strive for perfection, and thrive on approval of authority figures, like mom and dad. They tend to do well in school, their careers, and life in general. The oldest child is also the most likely to be the most successful of the bunch, and might make more money as an adult than other siblings. The first born might end up in an occupational area such as engineering, architecture, or accounting.
From the research too, the middle child feels deprived of attention worries about being over-looked, and tends to be the most rebelliant as a youngster. These people are the compromisers of the world, and enjoy pleasing others. They enjoy working in groups and feeling like they belong, and are good at making friends and getting along with others. These children tend to flock to occupations that are more people oriented than their older siblings.
The youngest child generally is the most artistic of the group. They are also most likely to be the class clown, since they will do just about anything for attention, and usually are characterized as the show-off of the family. The last born also tends to be a bad decision maker and a very impatient person who tends to get bored rather easily.
So, we are totally agree that we're purportedly born with traits that matches our birth order. When I examined my own family, I have six siblings, the theory was correct on some of my brothers and sisters, and way off on others. I'm a first child, born smack dab in the first of the bunch, and I'm the independent. Besides I made friends easily, but not real friends, just people who liked to be around for the fun. I'd say the theory is about half right for me.
Anyone have any thoughts on the birth order trait? Any arguments or evidence that suggests that it is scientifically valid?